
By The Numbers 4: Tens of Thousands

Having previously looked at the number-forming elements for tens (maH), hundreds (vatlh) and thousands (SaD and SanID) now it's time to look at the number-forming element for tens of thousands:-

netlh ten thousand

Here are the numbers for numbers in the thousands from 10,000 to 90,000.


Big Numbers

The numbers are getting very big at this point. The bigger the numbers, the greater the challenge - and Klingons love challenges.

wa'netlh wa'10,001
wa'netlh cha'vatlh wa'10,201
wa'netlh cha'SaD wejvatlh loSmaH vagh12,345
cha'netlh wa'SaD wa'21,001
wejnetlh loSSanID Sochvatlh javmaH wej34,763
wejnetlh cha'SaD wa'vatlh wej32,103
loSnetlh loSSaD loSvatlh loSmaH loS44,444
loSnetlh cha'vatlh40,200
vaghnetlh vagh50,005
vaghnetlh loSSaD wejvatlh cha'maH wa'54,321
vaghnetlh loSSaD Sochvatlh wa'maH Hut54,719
javnetlh HutmaH wej60,093
javnetlh javSanID javvatlh javmaH wej66,663
Sochnetlh SochSaD vaghvatlh77,500
chorghnetlh wa'80,001
chorghnetlh wa'maH80,010
chorghnetlh wa'vatlh80,100
chorghnetlh wa'SaD81,000
Hutnetlh Hutvatlh Hut90,909
Hutnetlh HutSaD Hutvatlh HutmaH Hut99,999

Prisoner #83345

Numbers can be used in another way: for numbering, as a designation, such as Corridor 3, Room 101, Prisoner 83345. When using a number for counting, it comes before the noun; but when using a number as a designation, the number goes after the noun.

jav qama'six prisoners
qama' javPrisoner Number 6

When reciting the numbers of a designated object or person, you don't use the number-forming elements: just read out the digits, remembering to read out each pagh zero as well. Also note the placement of the Type 5 noun suffixes -Daq and -vo':-

qama' chorgh wej wej loS vagh, yIQam!Prisoner 83345, stand up!
chobDaq wej jIHtaHI am in Corridor 3
pa'Daq wa' pagh wa' qama' vIngeHta'I have sent the prisoner to Room 101
DaHjaj tuQDoq loS lo' paghMind-Sifter Four is available today
qen pa'vo' loS yItHe walked out of Room Four a short time ago
gharI' Soch 'Iv jay'Who the hell is Gary Seven?

Next: hundred thousands.

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