netlh ten thousand
Here are the numbers for numbers in the thousands from 10,000 to 90,000.
wa'netlh | 10,000 |
cha'netlh | 20,000 |
wejnetlh | 30,000 |
loSnetlh | 40,000 |
vaghnetlh | 50,000 |
javnetlh | 60,000 |
Sochnetlh | 70,000 |
chorghnetlh | 80,000 |
Hutnetlh | 90,000 |
Big Numbers
The numbers are getting very big at this point. The bigger the numbers, the greater the challenge - and Klingons love challenges.
wa'netlh wa' | 10,001 |
wa'netlh cha'vatlh wa' | 10,201 |
wa'netlh cha'SaD wejvatlh loSmaH vagh | 12,345 |
cha'netlh wa'SaD wa' | 21,001 |
wejnetlh loSSanID Sochvatlh javmaH wej | 34,763 |
wejnetlh cha'SaD wa'vatlh wej | 32,103 |
loSnetlh loSSaD loSvatlh loSmaH loS | 44,444 |
loSnetlh cha'vatlh | 40,200 |
vaghnetlh vagh | 50,005 |
vaghnetlh loSSaD wejvatlh cha'maH wa' | 54,321 |
vaghnetlh loSSaD Sochvatlh wa'maH Hut | 54,719 |
javnetlh HutmaH wej | 60,093 |
javnetlh javSanID javvatlh javmaH wej | 66,663 |
Sochnetlh SochSaD vaghvatlh | 77,500 |
chorghnetlh wa' | 80,001 |
chorghnetlh wa'maH | 80,010 |
chorghnetlh wa'vatlh | 80,100 |
chorghnetlh wa'SaD | 81,000 |
Hutnetlh Hutvatlh Hut | 90,909 |
Hutnetlh HutSaD Hutvatlh HutmaH Hut | 99,999 |
Prisoner #83345
Numbers can be used in another way: for numbering, as a designation, such as Corridor 3, Room 101, Prisoner 83345. When using a number for counting, it comes before the noun; but when using a number as a designation, the number goes after the noun.
jav qama' | six prisoners |
qama' jav | Prisoner Number 6 |
When reciting the numbers of a designated object or person, you don't use the number-forming elements: just read out the digits, remembering to read out each pagh zero as well. Also note the placement of the Type 5 noun suffixes -Daq and -vo':-
qama' chorgh wej wej loS vagh, yIQam! | Prisoner 83345, stand up! |
chobDaq wej jIHtaH | I am in Corridor 3 |
pa'Daq wa' pagh wa' qama' vIngeHta' | I have sent the prisoner to Room 101 |
DaHjaj tuQDoq loS lo' pagh | Mind-Sifter Four is available today |
qen pa'vo' loS yIt | He walked out of Room Four a short time ago |
gharI' Soch 'Iv jay' | Who the hell is Gary Seven? |
Next: hundred thousands.
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