bIp hundred thousand
Here are the numbers for numbers in the hundred thousands from 100,000 to 900,000.
wa'bIp | 100,000 |
cha'bIp | 200,000 |
wejbIp | 300,000 |
loSbIp | 400,000 |
vaghbIp | 500,000 |
javbIp | 600,000 |
SochbIp | 700,000 |
chorghbIp | 800,000 |
HutbIp | 900,000 |
Handling Big Numbers
At this stage, it might be quicker for you to recite the digits of each number rather than have to remember "Is vatlh the numbers-forming element, or is it netlh?"
Next time you have a number such as 832,647 it might be quicker for you to recite the digits - chorgh wej cha' jav loS Soch - rather than chorghbIp wejnetlh cha'SaD javvatlh loSmaH Soch - as long as you remember that, in reciting the digits, you have to include each zero - 802,701 is pronounced chorgh pagh cha' Soch pagh wa'.
Of course, this is how you read out telephone numbers. Telephone is ghogh HablI', and telephone number ghogh HablI' mI'.
And so to the big numbers.
wa'bIp wa' | 100,001 |
wa'bIp wa'netlh chorghvatlh chorghmaH Hut | 110,889 |
wa'bIp cha'netlh wejSanID loSvatlh vaghmaH jav | 123,456 |
wa'bIp Sochnetlh wejSaD vaghvatlh javmaH | 173,560 |
cha'bIp loSvatlh wa' | 200,401 |
wejbIp vaghSanID javvatlh chorgh | 305,608 |
loSbIp wejnetlh | 430,000 |
vaghbIp vaghSanID vaghmaH | 505,050 |
javbIp vaghnetlh loSSaD wejvatlh cha'maH wa' | 654,321 |
SochbIp vaghnetlh wejSaD vaghvatlh wa'maH cha' | 793,512 |
SochbIp Hutnetlh cha'SaD Sochvatlh HutmaH cha' | 792,792 |
chorghbIp wejnetlh wejSaD vaghvatlh javmaH Hut | 833.569 |
HutbIp Hutnetlh chorghSanID wa' | 998,001 |
HutbIp Hutnetlh HutSanID Hutvatlh HutmaH wej | 998,001 |
HutbIp Hutnetlh HutSanID Hutvatlh HutmaH Hut | 999,999 |
Next: millions.
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