
Sentences 105: Noun Suffixes

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You have already started to encounter noun suffixes - in the lessons discussing how to form plural nouns, where you learned of the suffixes -Du', -pu' and -mey. Now it is time to put those suffixes in context - to see the bigger picture.

There are five different categories of Klingon noun suffix, and in The Klingon Dictionary these are classified as Type 1 through to Type 5. These suffixes are arranged in a very specific order:-

Noun - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5

Type 1 noun suffixes always come immediately after each noun; Type 2 suffixes always come after Type 1 suffixes and before any Type 3, 4 or 5 suffixes, and so on. Type 5 noun suffixes always come after all other suffixes.

The suffixes you have already come across - the three plural suffixes - are all Type 2. You have already encountered all of the Type 2 suffixes there are.

The five types of suffixes are categorised as follows:-

5Syntactic Markers

Some examples of how they are ordered are given below, without further explanation here - each type of suffix will be given a much closer look in turn in further lessons.

SuS(no suffix) wind
nuH(no suffix) weapon
nuHmeywIjmy weapons
puqpu'ma'our children
puqHompu'ma'our babies
belqoqvamthis so-called pleasure
belna'vetlhthat definite pleasure
HovvetlhDaqtowards that star
tachwIjvo'away from my bar
     HoSchemmeyHeyvetlh     those apparent energy fields

Next: this and that.

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