
Consolidation 1

We've now covered the following:-

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- Some basic Klingon phrases (nuqneH), and a basic pronunciation guide in five parts: part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5.

- The structure of a basic Klingon sentence - OBJECT-VERB-SUBJECT.

- Verb prefixes also denoting the subject and object of sentences.

- More verb prefixes, this time used in sentences where you are giving a command - telling somebody to do something.

- You have learned how Klingons form plural nouns (more than one instance of an object, part of the body or person able to use language, as well as a few oddities).

- You also have more than fifty Klingon nouns and seventy Klingon verbs to be playing with.

You already have enough to engage in some very simple conversations in tlhIngan Hol, and an understanding of the basic structure of every Klingon sentence. Your conversations are still relatively unsophisticated - the equivalent of Me like milk or The cat sat on the mat - but even this little knowledge, properly absorbed, will still get you a long way among Klingon language speakers.

From here, we will now move on to pronouns - me, you, him, her, it, us, them - and to the first three types of question sentences. We'll start with the Klingon pronouns in the next lesson.

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