
Drinking and Celebrating, The Klingon Way, Part 4

Here is a list of some of the more well-known Klingon drinks, both alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

Klingons generally do not drink water; bIQ water and 'Iw blood are philosophical polar opposites. Blood represents strength, power and life; water represents weakness. Generally, the less waterlike a beverage, the better.

Non-Alcoholic Beverages


If you're offered this by a Klingon, be insulted. He just called you a weakling.


Several mammal-like animals across the galaxy produce this protein-rich liquid. Targ, in particular, secrete a milky substance - and Klingons often mix targh nIm in with drinks to produce complex flavours.


Blood is used both as a base for bloodwine and used as an additive in alcoholic beverages.

vIychorghfruit or vegetable juice or sap

'awje'root beer

This stuff bears little physical relation to Terran root beer. However, it is still an effervescent beverage and it is relished by Klingons. 'awje' comes from the fermented marrow of a teghbat (teghbat melchoQ roghmoHlu'bogh) but the end product is a soft drink that Klingons consider particularly inoffensive.

qo'la' 'awje'cola

The dark Terran root beer, originally made from the leaves of a plant known for its stimulant properties, is a popular export to the Empire. Some Terrans may suspect that their favourite soft drink is also made from fermenting bat marrow, based on the taste.

chanDoqsauce, marinade

Marinades are still enjoyable as drinks in their own right.


Klingon for the Galactic Traveler has this to say about Klingon coffee:-

Though not native to the Empire, Klingons have developed a way to make coffee (qa'vIn) particularly strong, both in flavor and in its effect as a stimulant, and it is a very popular beverage. As a rule, coffee is consumed plain - that is, black - but some Klingons prefer to mix other ingredients in with the coffee.


Klingon tea comes in many forms, some based on plant matter and some on animal parts. Dargh refers to the beverage only.

Klingon for the Galactic Traveler has this to say about tea:-

If plants or animal parts are dried and, if necessary, chopped up before being steeped in boiling water to produce Dargh, this preparation is called Qenvob. Often, however, there is no Qenvob; the tea is made by simply picking thorns, leaves, petals, or seeds off of a plant and immediately immersing them in the water.

Usually brackish water (bIQ na') is best. Tea may be made either in a teapot (runpI') or directly in the teacup (Dargh HIvje', or, if not a cup specifically designed for drinking tea, just HIvje').

Though one may drink tea at any time, Klingons observe a very solemn Tea Ceremony in which a tea that is somewhat toxic (for a Klingon--but quite deadly for humans) is both prepared and consumed according to certain ritualistic procedures. During the Tea Ceremony, two friends drink the tea partly as a test of bravery and partly as a reminder of the Klingon maxim that

Heghlu'DI' mobbe'lu'chugh QaQqu' Hegh wanI'
death is an experience best shared."

Dargh wIbsour tea

The tape Conversational Klingon informs us that Hoch vor Dargh wIb Sour tea cures everything. Presumably because its poisonous qualities are likely to kill you, making all your problems relatively unimportant by comparison.

Klingon Alcoholic Drinks

All Klingon alcoholic beverages are called HIq, whether they are beers, wines or liquors. There are various kinds of ales and beverages available. These are the most commonly-encountered ones.

cha'vatlh ben HIqTwo century old ale

qul HIqfirewine


Bahgol is served in very small glasses. It is traditionally served heated.


Dark red in color and best served at body temperature, bloodwine is the most popular drink of the Empire.

pubtaHbogh ghargh HIqboiling worm wine

chechtlhutlhA strong alcoholic beverage

chechtlhutlh could be derived from chech be drunk and tlhutlh to drink.


This is qa'vIn mixed with liquor.

Klingon for The Galactic Traveler mentions that ra'taj was originally named ra'wI' taj Commander's Knife but this etymology is not confirmed.

A version using a nut-like flavoring instead of liquor, called raktaj in Federation Standard, has been developed for export. The fashion of adding cream, called raktajino after the Terran beverage cappuccino, is now popular served hot or cold, with or without extra cream and with or without the rind of some fruit to add even more flavor. These beverages bear little resemblance to either the original qa'vIn or ra'taj.


The synthetic Kahless clone once drank a synthetic warnog with Worf on board the USS Enterprise not long after he was created. The clone had been programmed with some of Kahless' scriptures, but no idea of what real wornagh tasted like.

Next, we'll round off this look at Klingon eating and drinking by taking a look at Klingon food etiquette - eating in company, visiting a restaurant or bar, getting fast food.

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