
Numerical Suffixes: - DIch and -logh

tlhIngan Hol uses two special suffixes, only found with numbers, to describe first, second, third ... and once, twice, three times ..., and so on.

-DIch ordinal numbers suffix

The numbers wa', cha', wej and so on are called cardinal numbers. Ordinal numbers are numbers describing first, second, third and so on.

wa'vatlh wa'101


wa'vatlh wa'DIchhundred and first

-logh repetition suffix

The suffix -logh is used to describe once, twice, three times and so on.

wejloghthree times
wa'maHloghten times
wa'vatlh wa'logha hundred and one times


-DIch:- Ordinal numbers follow the noun.

paw meb wa'DIchThe first guest is arriving
jagh cha'DIch'e' neH DaHoHnISYou must kill only the second enemy
jagh wa'SanIDDIch vIHoH rIntaHI have slain my one thousandth enemy
mIw wa'DIch 'oH Dochvam'e'This is the first step/
(in a procedure)
wej lut 'ay' wejDIch DalaDpu''a'Have you not read the third part of the story yet?

Note: mIw means step (n) or stage (n) in a procedure; for instance, mIw wa' Step one, mIw wa'DIch The first step.

'ay' means section, part, component, piece (n); 'ay' wa' can mean Part One. In the case of a written book, 'ay' wa' can mean Chapter One, and so on.

Other terms to look for:-

HochHom means most, greater part (n), and 'op means some (n):-

jagh mang HochHom vIjey rIntaHI have defeated most of the enemy army
paqvam 'ay' neH vIlaDI have read only a part of this book
paqvam wa' 'ay' neH vIlaDI have read only one chapter of this book
paqvam 'ay' wa' neH vIlaDI have read only Chapter One of this book
paqvam 'op vIlaDI have read some of this book
paqvam HochHom vIlaDI have read most of this book

-logh:- Numbers which take the -logh suffix are used in a sentence like adverbials.

wa'logh neH jagh yIqIpQo'!Don't just hit the enemy once!
wejlogh Dochvam vIta'nIS jay!Three damned times, I've had to do this!

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