
Conjunctions - Exclusive "Or," Joining Sentences

Last time, the conjunction ghap XOR was introduced. ghap is used to join nouns together, and goes after the joined nouns.

qagh chab ghapGagh XOR a pie - in other words, one or the other - not both
vulqanganpu' romuluSnganpu' ghapVulcans XOR Romulans
ghaH ghaH ghaphim XOR her

The XOR conjunction that joins sentences together is pagh. All sentence-joining conjunctions come between the sentences they join. That includes pagh.


jaghDaj Suv tlhIngan pagh tera'ngan jagh Suv tlhInganThe Klingon fights his own enemy XOR the Terran's enemy
(if he fights the Terran's enemy, he is not fighting his own)
tachmeyDaq SuvtaH SuvwI'pu' pagh pa' SoptaH SuvwI'pu' pagh pa' tlhutlhtaH SuvwI'pu' net SovOne knows that warriors eat XOR fight XOR drink in bars
(they can't do all of the above at once)
yIQaQ pagh yIDajBe good XOR interesting(this is true of all Klingons, more than you can know)
jaghpu'vo' qetlaH pagh So'laHThey can either run from the enemies XOR hide from them

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