qagh chab ghap | Gagh XOR a pie - in other words, one or the other - not both |
vulqanganpu' romuluSnganpu' ghap | Vulcans XOR Romulans |
ghaH ghaH ghap | him XOR her |
The XOR conjunction that joins sentences together is pagh. All sentence-joining conjunctions come between the sentences they join. That includes pagh.
jaghDaj Suv tlhIngan pagh tera'ngan jagh Suv tlhIngan | The Klingon fights his own enemy XOR the Terran's enemy (if he fights the Terran's enemy, he is not fighting his own) |
tachmeyDaq SuvtaH SuvwI'pu' pagh pa' SoptaH SuvwI'pu' pagh pa' tlhutlhtaH SuvwI'pu' net Sov | One knows that warriors eat XOR fight XOR drink in bars (they can't do all of the above at once) |
yIQaQ pagh yIDaj | Be good XOR interesting(this is true of all Klingons, more than you can know) |
jaghpu'vo' qetlaH pagh So'laH | They can either run from the enemies XOR hide from them |
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