
Conjunctions - Exclusive "Or," Joining Nouns

Today, we are looking at the conjunction ghap exclusive or.


ghap joins nouns together. It means or; either one option or the other, but not both. As with je, ghap goes after the nouns it joins together.


tlhIngan tera'ngan ghap

means A Klingon or a Terran, but not both.

Mercy Or Power

There is a famous Klingon proverb,

pung HoS ghap

Often written ungrammatically (but traditionally) as pung ghap HoS, the proverb reads Mercy or power. The use of ghap exclusive or reveals the Klingon philosophy - in order to be strong, a Klingon cannot show mercy.

Gate Logic

ghap is the equivalent of the XOR logic gate with two inputs A and B, which returns 1 only if A is 1 and B is 0, or if A is 0 and B is 1, but returns 0 if both A and B are 0 or if A and B are both 1.

tlhIngan tera'ngan ghapa Klingon or a Terran
chab HIq ghapa pie or an ale
taj mupwI' ghapa knife or a hammer
DIpmey wotmey ghapnouns or verbs
moHaqmey mojaqmey ghapprefixes or suffixes
loDpu' be'pu' ghapMen or women
jIH SoH ghapme or you
jIp rup ghap Segh 'oHIt's a type of penalty or a fine
qama'pu' ray' ghap bIHThey're targets or prisoners
Soj veQ ghap rurbejClearly, it looks like food or trash

Next: Exclusive "Or," joining sentences.

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