
By The Numbers: 2 - Hundreds

Previously in tlhIngan paQDI'norgh ...

We last looked at the numbers, and the tens number-forming element maH which allows you to describe numbers in the tens - ten, twenty, thirty and so on.

The next number-forming element covers the hundreds.


The numbers for 100, 200, 300 and so on are as follows:-


Here are some numbers, all less than a thousand.

wa'vatlh wa'101
wa'vatlh loS104
wa'vatlh wa'maH110
wa'vatlh wa'maH chorgh118
wa'vatlh cha'maH vagh125
wa'vatlh loSmaH loS144
wa'vatlh javmaH Hut169
wa'vatlh HutmaH jav196
cha'vatlh Soch207
cha'vatlh wa'maH jav216
cha'vatlh vaghmaH jav256
wejvatlh wejmaH wej333
wejvatlh loSmaH wej343
loSvatlh HutmaH jav496
vaghvatlh wa'maH cha'512
javvatlh wa'601
javvatlh wa'maH jav616
javvatlh javmaH jav666
Sochvatlh cha'maH Hut729
chorghvatlh chorgh808
Hutvatlh HutmaH Hut999

Note the numbers 101, 104, 207, 601 and 808, where there is no tens component. The unit figure just comes straight after the hundreds figure.

wejvatlh wa'301
vaghvatlh wej503
Sochvatlh jav706

Reading Out The Numbers

There are two ways of reading out numbers: using the number-forming elements -maH, -vatlh and so on, and simply saying each number in turn. If reading out the digits, zeroes are important and must be counted.

This is how you can count out non-integer numbers with decimal portions. The decimal point counter separating the integer part from the decimal part is vI':-

wej jav jav pagh cha' Soch366027
loS pagh loS pagh vagh jav404056
cha' pagh wej mI' 'oH Dochvam'e'This is Number 203
wej jav Soch vI' vagh Hut wa' 'oH rI'Se'wI''e'My hailing frequency is 367.591


The Klingon for percent is vatlhvI':-

cha'maH vagh vatlhvI'25%, one quarter
vaghmaH vatlhvI'50%, one half
javmaH vagh vatlhvI'65%

Next: The thousands.

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