
Joining Sentences Without 'e' Or net

There are two main examples where tlhIngan Hol allows two sentences to be joined without 'e' or net:-

  • When the verb of the second sentence is neH want;
  • Verbs of saying (say, tell, ask etc).

Verb of Wanting

Neither 'e' nor net need be used when the verb of the second sentence is neH want:-

jIQong vIneHI want to sleep
qalegh vIneHI want to see you
Dalegh vIneHI want you to see him/her
qama'pu' vIjonta' vIneHI wanted to capture prisoners

Aspect Marker Placement

Note where the aspect marker appears in qama'pu' vIjonta' vIneH I wanted to capture prisoners.

The aspect marker goes with the first verb only; the second verb, vIneH I want it, is neutral as to time. The past tense of the translation (I wanted ...) comes from the aspect marker on the first verb.


Dochvam DaSop DaneH'a'Do you want to eat this?
qaHoH DaneH'a'Do you want me to kill you?
HoH'egh neHlaw'I think he wants to kill himself
chab vISoppu' vIneHbe'I didn't want to eat the pie
nobmey vISuqta' vIneHI wanted to get the presents!
bIQub pIneHWe want you to think
reQub pIneHWe want you all to think
wamlu'ta' vIneHI wanted him to be hunted
QIt joy'lu'ta' vIneHI wanted him tortured slowly
bechtaH vIneHI want him to suffer
tagha' HoHlu'ta' vIneHFinally, I wanted him killed

Verbs of Speech

Verbs of speech do not use 'e' or net. The phrases can follow one another in either order.

qaja'pu' HIqaghQo'I told you not to interrupt me!
HIqaghQo' qaja'pu'I told you not to interrupt me!

Aspect Marker Placement

Aspect markers may always be attached to the saying verb, regardless of whether it is the first or second verb.


Dajoy' qara'ta'I ordered you to torture him!
naDev vISovbe' jatlhShe says she's lost
Duyajbe'taH jatlhShe says she still doesn't understand you
Duyajbe' jatlhtaHShe's still saying that she doesn't understand you
Dochvam Data' Dutlhobta' 'IvWho asked you to do this?
povvam vItlhobta' murI'I asked her to call me this afternoon
povvam murI' vItlhobta'I asked her to call me this afternoon
HIvDI' jagh hIghuHmoHAlert me when the enemy attacks

rIntaH is another example of the two-verb (or two-sentence) construction. Remember that the aspect marker -ta' accomplished, done verb suffix is not used in a sentence with rIntaH.

Dajoy' rIntaHYou tortured him
naDev jagh vIjey rIntaHHere is where I defeated the enemy
Dochvam vIta' rIntaHI did this?
nItebHa' Dochvam wIta' rIntaHWe did this together?

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