
-laH - The Suffix Of Ability

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Previously, you learned that there are two Type 5 verb suffixes, and only two. You learned of the first Type 5 suffix, -lu' indefinite subject. Now it is time to learn of the other Type 5 suffix - a suffix which has absolutely nothing in common with -lu', apart from the fact that it is a Type 5 suffix, which means you can never append -lu' and -laH to the same verb.

-laH can, able

When you want to express that you can do something - that you have the capability to do the verb stated - you can use the other Type 5 suffix, -laH can, able.

jISopI eat
tlhIngan Soj vISoplaHI can eat Klingon food
tlhInganpu' DISuvWe fight Klingons
tlhInganpu' DISuvlaHbe'We cannot fight Klingons
DIHIvlaHtaHvIS DaH DIHIvnISWe must attack them now, while we still can/
(from Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country)
qaStaHvIS wa'ram
loS SaD Hugh
SIjlaH qetbogh loD
Four thousand throats can be slit in one night, by a running man
/(Famous Klingon proverb)
loghDaq bIjachDI' DuQoylaH paghIn space, no-one can hear you scream
yuch vISoplaH'a'Can I have chocolate?/
(as in "Would it kill me if I tried to eat it?")
qaja'laHbe'I cannot tell you/
(e.g. because I have been ordered not to)
qajanglaHbe'I cannot tell you/
(I cannot reply, e.g. because I do not know the answer)
tlhIngan Hol DajatlhlaHchugh, vaj SoHvaD lojmItmey law' poSmoHlu'The ability to speak Klingon opens many doors for you

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