
More Adverbials

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Not every adverbial works the same way as the ones listed in the previous lesson. These interesting and unusual adverbials are listed below.

neHonly, merely, just
jay'intensely, invective


This adverbial means only, merely, just. Unlike tlhoS which means almost, nearly, not quite neH comes just after the verb. The effect is to mitigate or trivialise the effect of the verb: the stated action is taking place only to a lesser extent:-

majatlhWe are talking
majatlh neHWe are only talking
vIqelI am considering it
vIqel neHI am only considering it
Dochvam qel SuvwI'The warrior is considering this
Dochvam qel neH SuvwI'The warrior is only considering this

Another way neH can be used is immediately following a noun. Used this way, the adverbial specifically means only, alone:-

Dargh qangevI am selling you the tea
Dargh neH qangevI am selling you only the tea/
(and not the biscuits)
tlhIngan ngu'ta' be'The woman identified the Klingon
tlhIngan neH ngu'ta' be'The woman identified the Klingon alone
tlhIngan ngu'ta' be' neHOnly the woman identified the Klingon


This adverbial always comes at the very end of a sentence. It intensifies the preceding sentence to the point of invective. Effectively, jay' at the end of a sentence turns it into something with the force of a curse, like damned or bloody:-

Suv tlhInganpu'The Klingons are fighting
Suv tlhInganpu' jay'The damned Klingons are fighting
Dargh qemta' be'The woman brought tea
Dargh qemta' be' jay'The damned woman brought tea
Dargh qemta' be' jay'Damn! The woman brought tea!
releghpu'We saw you
releghpu'We damned well saw you
Dochvetlh ta' rIntaHShe did that
chich Dochvetlh ta' rIntaH jay'She damned well did that deliberately
Duj wIleghpu'We saw the ship
pay' Duj wIleghpu' jay'We suddenly saw the bloody ship
tlhIngan HIvpu' SuvwI' Hegh SuvwI'The warrior died when he attacked the Klingon
Do'Ha' tlhIngan HIvpu' SuvwI' Hegh SuvwI' jay'Unfortunately, the damned warrior died when he attacked the Klingon
wa'Hu' Hegh tlhInganThe Klingon died yesterday
wa'Hu' ghaytan Hegh tlhIngan jay'The bloody Klingon probably died yesterday
wa'leS pawDI' parmaqqaywI' De' wIghajWhen my lover comes tomorrow we will have the knowledge
wa'leS ghaytanHa' pawDI' parmaqqaywI' De' wIghaj jay'It is unlikely that, by the time my lover comes tomorrow, we will have the bloody knowledge
muS tlhInganThe Klingon detests him
muS tlhIngan jay'The Klingon bloody detests him
nom peSop jay'Eat quickly, damn it!
pa' lu'el loDpu'The men entered the room
pa' lu'el neH loDpu' jay'The men only entered the bloody room
De'vam yIngeHSend this data!
SIbI' De'vam yIngeH jay'Send this data immediately, damn you!
vIta' rIntaHI did it
SIbI'Ha' vIta' rIntaH jay'I damn well did it eventually
tagha' SIbI'Ha' vIta' rIntaH jay'I damned well finally did it, eventually

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