
Conjunctions - "And," Joining Nouns

There are six types of conjunctions, of two types - three conjunctions to join nouns, and three to join sentences together. The first conjunction looked at here is je, which is the conjunction and. As with all conjunctions which join nouns together, je comes after the nouns being joined together.
tlhIngan tera'ngan jea Klingon and a Terran
chab HIq jea pie and an ale
DIpmey wotmey jenouns and verbs
moHaqmey mojaqmey jeprefixes and suffixes
loDpu' be'pu' jeThe men and the women
jIH SoH jeme and you
yuQmey maSmey Hovmey jeplanets, moons and stars
HuDmey ngechmey jemountains and valleys
In addition, je can also have a meaning of also, too:-
tach 'el wa' tlhIngan wa' romuluSngan jeA Klingon and a Romulan enter a bar
chab HIq qIj je ra'ta' 'IvWho ordered the pie and the black ale?
HuDmeyDaq ngechmeyDaq je, Hoch veng je, jaghwI' vISamIn the hills and valleys, and every city, too, I sought my enemy
Qu' quv je lo' Hoch tlhInganAll Klingons value duty and honour

This is the equivalent of the logical AND gate with two inputs, which would return 1 if and only if both inputs were 1, and return 0 if only one of the inputs was 1 or if both inputs were 0.

Next: "And," joining sentences.

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