When the local sentient apex predators, or even the local humans, object to this, there is usually only one way that things tend to get settled where Klingons are involved.
War is healthy for Klingons. Any excuse for a scrap. However, they don't just fight indiscriminately. Klingon society has evolved a military force - tlhIngan Hubbeq the Klingon Defence Force - with strict military ranks and protocols. The structure of the Hubbeq allows for the strategies of the tlhIngan ra'ghomquv Klingon High Command to be carried out.
Dup | strategy |
Dupmey | strategies |
to' | tactics |
tlhIngan ra'ghomquv | Klingon High Command |
tlhIngan Hubbeq | Klingon Defence Force |
The units of the KDF are fleets and squadrons. A fleet can be made of one or many squadrons - a single large squadron could also comprise an entire fleet. And some squadrons are independent of any fleet.
yo' | fleet |
nawlogh | squadron |
Individual Klingon warriors belonging to the KDF either belong to the officer class or crew. The term "crew," as pertains to the crew of a ship, is wey:-
yaS | officer |
QaS | troops (non-officers) |
beq | crew |
beq | crewman |
wey | ship's crew, ship's compliment |
There are three major terms for warrior in Klingon. Each is used in a specific way.
SuvwI' | warrior |
vaj | warriow (philosophical concept) |
mang | soldier, warrior fighting as part of a military unit |
mangghom | army |
negh | soldiers, unit |
QI' | military |
Ranks and Titles
The Klingon word for rank is patlh. The head of the KDF is the la'quv, often translated Supreme Commander. Below the la'quv are nine separate officer ranks:-
la'quv | Supreme Commander |
'aj | Admiral, Fleet Admiral |
Sa' | General |
totlh | Commodore |
'ech | Brigadier |
HoD | Captain |
la' | Commander |
Sogh | Lieutenant |
lagh | Ensign |
ne' | Yeoman |
The ranks do not exactly map to standard Terran military leadership rankings. The English titles are the closest equivalent in name only.
Within the QaS there are only two ranks.
bu' | Sergeant |
Da' | Corporal |
The rank title always follows the proper noun:-
Qel 'aj | Fleet Admiral Krell |
tlha'a HoD | Captain Klaa |
cheng Sa' | General Chang |
The rank title can also be used as a noun in itself:-
ra'DI' HoD yIlob | When the Captain commands, you obey |
ra'DI' 'aj lobnIS Hoch | When the Admiral commands, everybody obeys |
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