
Reader Submissions!

And now, I shall throw this blog open to you, the readers.

I currently have a lot of posts covering various aspects of tlhIngan Hol; and the centrepiece of these posts are the tables containing various sentences showcasing the various time markers, place markers, suffixes and so on.

These tables are made to be expanded. In time, I will be going back to them and adding to them; the more definitive sentences I put in, the better will be everyone's understanding of the language in future.

Thing is, I don't want to be the only one doing this.

If you have an interesting, funny and original tlhIngan Hol mu'tlhegh Klingon sentence that is your own, and not a quote from an existing TV episode, movie or work of the Klingon corpus (such as ghIlghameS, Shakespeare's Hamlet in the original Klingon, or a work from the paq batlh transliteration of the Klingon opera) you can submit it here, and it will find its way into a table of the appropriate page.


1. Entries must be your own; not copied from a third party source.

2. Entries must be for a page already created.

3. You must mark "tlhIngan paQDI'norgh Submission" in the subject line.

4. You must state which page your submission must go in.

5. No mixed entries. Please don't put in three sentences showcasing -laH and two sentences showcasing time markers; if you have three sentences with -laH, send them in one email, stating that they should go onto the -laH page, and then send in a separate email with the time markers.

6. I will only consider one post per reader at a time. I will contact you and let you know which entries I approve, before they go live onto the page. Even if you send me half a dozen different emails, for half a dozen different pages, I will only read the first one you send in, and you will have to wait for the rest to be processed.

7. vay' vIwIvDI' vIwIv rIntaH My decisions are final.

8. Oh - only canon tlhIngan Hol terms allowed; terms from The Klingon Dictionary, Klingon for the Galactic Traveler and canon terms from sources such as the KLI's New Words page and this page here will be accepted, because they are official, canon terms sanctioned by Marc Okrand. No new invented tlhIngan Hol words. If there is a new canon term I haven't heard yet, cite your source - and expect a delay for verification.

9. Here is that email address again. Click here

I will add a new table to the base of each page, marked "Reader Submissions," and all of your entries will go into those tables. Remember to let me know what name to use when crediting you.


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