
vIttlhegh qaD

This week's post will be run in conjunction with my Daily Klingon tumblr qaDHom.

Here is the post.

Today's challenge is a challenge indeed. Today, I throw you in at the deep end.

You are familiar with how Klingon is littered with proverbs; there are aphorisms, saying, idioms and figures of speech covering a host of situations.

Today's challenge is this: come up with a new proverb.

This will be an entirely unofficial vIttlhegh, one which most likely will not be seen outside of tumblr or tlhIngan paQDI'norgh, but your candidate proverb must follow the following rules.

Originality: ghomer Surprise us. Example: Qapchugh Dup chu' Ho' Hoch; QapHa'chugh Dup chu' lIj pagh If it succeeds, everyone admires a new strategy; if it fails, noone forgets.

Spirit: tlhIngan qa' yIjon Capture the Klingon spirit

Your proverb must embrace some aspect of the Klingon heart. You could even submit a joke.


Qo'noSDaq paw tera'ngan. tlhIngan qIH. tlhob, "chay' vaS'a'Daq jIjaH?" jatlh tlhIngan, "yISuvchu' 'ej qagh Hegh yISopQo'."

And that's it.

There will be other qaDHommey on tumblr during this month - but this will be the main qaDHom for September. Final date for entries will be 2014 09 30. Submit through the submit box. Somebody tell me I've enabled the submit box.

Entries will be posted throughout the month. No prizes - you are doing this purely for the honour.

DachDI' latlh meqmey, quvvaD neH Hoch wIta'.


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