
Whose X Is This?

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Whose X Is This?

In this lesson, you will learn how to ask the questions "Which?" and "Whose?"

There are a number of ways to identify one choice out of many - such as asking which of a number of choices before the speaker is the correct one, or which person owns a particular item (or person).

They are listed here.

X yIwIvChoose the X!
X yIngu'Identify the X!
X yIperLabel the X!
jIHvaD X yI'angShow me the X!

The point of many of these sentences is that, by means of an imperative command, the speaker tells the person being spoken to to identify, label, point to in order to show, or select, an option out of many options before them.

Next: How to use these sentences.

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1 comment:

  1. While it's possible that one can use {pong} for this, I'm not completely certain.
    As I understand it, you want something like: "State the name of X, so that I know what X is."
    With {pong}, I believe what you're achieving is actually "I already know what X is, but what do you call it?"
    That's mostly speculation on my part, though.

    However, it is worth noting that the syntax for {pong} appears to be {X-vaD Y pong Z} = "Z calls X Y". So, saying {X yIpong!} would actually means something like "Call it X!"

    Canonical example:
    roD 'oHvaD juHqo' ponglu' neH.
    'It is often referred to as simply "The Homeworld".'
    (from SkyBox card 27)


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