
Clipped Klingon, part 3 - Stressed

Klingons use Clipped Klingon in a number of places - mostly delivering commands, and responding to those commands with delivery of status reports in the same battle language.

wIy cha'!Show the tactical display!

yajchu', qaHUnderstood, Sir
chu'ta'(device) Activated
chu'Ha'ta'(device) Deactivated
Sevlu'(enemy) Contained
ghoch(target) Tracking
Qeq(target) Locked

Clipped Klingon also occurs during moments of great stress. What constitutes stress to a Klingon would seem odd to a Terran; due to their natural predilection for hostility and tendency to enjoy flying off the handle at the slightest apparent provocation, Clipped Klingon would appear fairly frequently in common usage.


'el!Get in!
bup!Quit it!
DoH!Back off!
Sop!Eat it!
mevyap!Enough! (Stop!)
SuD jay'!Take a damned risk!

The Adverbial jay'

jay' is a special adverbial. Its meaning is:-

jay'intensifier (adv)

jay' carries the meanings intensely and invective. jay' occupies a special position in a sentence, in that it comes directly after the rest of the sentence. jay' intensifies the passion of the sentence to the point where it becomes an invective.

qaStaH nuq jay'?What the hell is happening?
mIch 'elpu' jay'They've entered the damned sector!
ghaytanHa' jay'!Not bloody likely!
DaH lupwI' tIj jay'!Get the hell on that jitney, NOW!
DoH jay'!Back the hell off!
wa' pIq jay', 'aj!One damned minute, Admiral!
verengan SoH'e' jay!You ARE a damned Ferengi!

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