
Descriptions - Adjectival Verbs

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In a previous lesson, you were exposed to adverbials - words which change the manner of the action being taken, such as describing an action taking place quickly or forcefully.

Klingon also has a way of describing and qualifying nouns, in a similar way to the method we use adjectives to describe nouns - green, blue, big, fast, slow, expensive, lazy and so on.

tlhIngan Hol uses certain verbs to perform this function. In The Klingon Dictionary, these are verbs described in the English section with the word "be ":-

tInbig, be big, large
machsmall, be small
'eqearly, be early
paSlate, be late
Sumnearm be near, nearby
Hopdistant, be distant, far
tujhot, be hot
bIrcold, be cold
qutlhcheap, be cheap
waghexpensive, be expensive

There are many other such verbs, describing ...

- physical properties:-

tIQancient, be ancient
'IHbeautiful, be beautiful
moHugly, be ugly
Dalboring, be boring
Dajinteresting, be interesting
Dojimpressive, be impressive
wovbright, be bright
Hurghdark, be dark
lethard, be hard
tunsoft, be soft
Hujstrange, be strange
taQweird, be weird
le'special, be special, exceptional
motlhusual, be usual
Huvclear, be clear, unobstructed
naQcomplete, be complete, entire, whole
pImdifferent, be different
rapsame, be the same
nIbidentical, be identical
nIvsuperior, be superior
QIvinferior, be inferior
HoSstrong, be strong
HoSghajpowerful, be powerful
teHtrue, be true
ngebfalse, be false, fake, counterfeit
taDfrozen, be frozen
'ughheavy, be heavy
tISlight, be lightweight
Qeytight, be tight
'utessential, be essential, necessary
law'many, be many
puSfew, be a few, be a handful
Qavlast, be last, final, ultimate
rInfinished, be finished, completed

- colours:-

chISwhite, be white
qIjblack, be black
Doqred, be red, orange
SuDblue, be blue, yellow, green

- and states of mind:-

Quchhappy, be happy
'IQsad, be sad
mobalone, be alone
QeHangry, be angry
'Itdepressed, be depressed
tlhabfree, br free, independent
moghfrustrated, be frustrated
tlhaQfunny, be funny
qurgreedy, be greedy
qejgrouchy, be grouchy, mean
'uHhung over, be hung over
ghunghungry, be hungry
'ojthirsty, be thirsty
Doy'tired, be tired
pIvhealthy, be healthy
ropill, be ill, sick
po'skilled, be skilled
'umqualified, be qualified
tlhIbincompetent, be incompetent
ngojrestless, be restless
ngoy'responsible, be responsible

There are many more of these adjectives - new adjectives will be introduced as and when needed.

Using Adjectives

These words are technically verbs, and tlhIngan Hol treats them as such. As verbs, they can be used in a sentence, in effect in the same place as a regular verb - in which case, they never take an object, and they always take a verb prefix indicating no object (jI- I, bI- you, ma- we, Su- you (plural) and nothing at all in the case of he, she, it and they.

jIQuchI am happy
bI'IQ'a'Are you sad?
mobShe is alone
QeH tlhInganThe Klingons are angry
mogh SuvwI'The warrior is frustrated
SutlhaQYou're all funny
qurHe's greedy
maqejWe're grouchy
Su'uHYou're all hung over
let baSThe metal is hard
Huj DochvetlhThat's strange
taQIt's weird
le' DarghThe tea is special
nIb mu'meyThe words are identical
nIv jaghThe enemy is superior
bIQIvYou are inferior
bIpIvYou are healthy
maropWe are ill
puj jaghmeyThe enemies are weak

Modifying Nouns

These verbs can also be used to modify nouns, e.g. grouchy Klingon, green tree, incompetent fool and so on.

When used to modify a noun in this way, the verb takes no prefix at all:-

tlhIngan qejThe grouchy Klingon
Sor SuDgreen tree
Dargh SuDgreen tea
qoH tlhIban incompetent fool
tera'ngan QuchThe happy Terran
puq QupA young child
loD qanAn old man
lon nona rotten corpse
woS puja weak chin
Qu' Qatlha difficult task
veng tInbig city
ghu qejgrouchy baby
be' taythe civilised woman
loD valthe clever man

When using such a qualified noun, the noun-plus-adjective is treated as a single noun, whether subject or object, in the sentence. Any noun suffixes (e.g. plural suffixes, -mo' due to, -vam this, -vetlh that, etc) are attached to the noun; the adjective can take certain suffixes of its own, but from a limited list.

puj DarghvetlhThat tea is weak
Darghvetlh puj vItIvbe'I did not enjoy that weak tea
SuvwI' SuD Suv SuvwI' chISThe white warriors fight the blue warriors
Soj Daj Sop tlhInganpu'Klingons eat some interesting food
Daj SojvamThis food is interesting
not Dal SojvetlhThat food is never boring
qatlh jaq SuvwI'vetlhWhy is that soldier bold?
chay' SuvwI'vetlh HoSghaj DaSuvta'How did you fight that powerful warrior?
loDpu' qej tIHIvAttack those grumpy men!

Next, you will look at all the suffixes encountered to date; then you will look at two further special suffixes, called rovers, both of which are useful with normal and adjectival verbs alike - -Ha' and -qu'.

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